Our Approach
This blog is intended to be a place where families can get recipes, most notably if there is an individual that requires keto. This is inspired by Panther Day Camp, a type 1 diabetes camp for children, for them to learn more about it. Hopefully this blog can be a resource for those parents who are struggling to keep their kid's blood sugar at an acceptable level.
Our Story
My wife is keto, while I am not. She does this not only for her health, but for helping her diabetes. I am well on the way to transitioning to being keto as I discover more ways to leak carbs out of my diet.
End Result
The recipes found on this blog should change as soon as they leave the webpage. They should be catered to your taste buds and those of your family. To this point, I plan on including ideas for individualizing recipes with the base ingredients.
Meet the Team
This is a place to share recipes with those who are looking for ideas or recipes for certain foods. While this is mainly going to be for keto recipes, why let the non-keto ones I have go to waste?
Our kitty

Tim Mitchell
Blogger and foodie.
Avid recipe finder and maker.
Colleen Mitchell
Wife and support (taste tester too)
Type 1 diabetic that uses a keto diet to maintain her blood sugar at an acceptable level.